Last Week's Absense - On Being Sick


For only the second time since starting Strength Per Second, I did not post last week. The reason for this was that I was so horribly ill for the entire week that I could not even get out of bed, much less type. So this week, let’s talk about a crucial area of your health: when you get sick.

The Signs

By now, you know the signs that you are taking ill. Everyone reacts to it differently, but you know your body. Perhaps you start getting chills, perhaps a last headache, whatever it might be. When these things happen, don’t ignore them. Don’t try to “tough it out.” That won’t make you strong, it will make you worse.

When you know you are starting to fall ill, start preparing immediately. Reduce your activity, and increase your water intake. Rest as much as you can. Sometimes, if you catch things early enough, you can avoid a total episode. Missing a few social or even professional commitments is worth it if it means not being laid up for several days. Don’t ignore the signs.

You also need to check and double check your plan for being out of commission, especially if you live alone like I do. If no one is reliably going to be around to check on you, be sure you have enough supplies to be home for a week or more. Check food as well other essentials like toiletries, bathing needs, tissues, and so forth. Lastly, be sure you have a primary and backup contact to take you to a medical center should your condition worsen. This goes back not trying to “tough it out.” There is nothing strong about making yourself worse by being stubborn.

Once You Are Sick

If your preventative measures fail and you do get sick, accept that you are sick. Don’t try to go to work, work out, or even go outside if you live in excessively warm or cold climates. Focus all of your efforts on recovery.

Pride is going to be a major hurtle here: You’re going to have to ask for help for anything you either didn’t prepare ahead of time or find yourself needing. This can especially be true if your condition worsens to the point that you need to reach a medical facility. Swallow your pride along with he rest of your medicine: Ask people for help. You’re not doing anyone any favors by being stubborn and making yourself worse.

Once you have everything you need, stay in bed with plenty of fluids. By fluids, I don’t mean any of that clear soda for an upset stomach nonsense. I mean clean, cool water and hot green tea (ad some natural honey if your throat hurts). Eat as needed, and keep it as clean and soft as you possible can. Help your body fight whatever is keeping you down. The less energy you use, the more your body has to fight.

While I don’t advocate going to a doctor every time you get the sniffles, do not wait until you can’t move under your own strength to seek medical attention. You know your body. If you are in an abnormal amount of pain or have been sick for more than two days, it is time for you to seek professional attention. Don’t let your pride get cause you additional pain or possibly permanent harm.

Get Well Soon

As always, I want to hear from all of you. What do you do when you know you are getting sick, once you are?
