Staying Structured at Home - On not Going Crazy in Quarantine


As the COVID-19 crisis continues to escalate in many countries around the world, more and more people are being asked and even forced to stay home. So let’s talk about how to not go crazy while doing it.

Modify Your Routine, But Stay On It!

Many people are working from home or staying home during the day for the first time in a long time, if ever. While this might sound appealing to many people and certainly does have its benefits, that much unstructured time can actually lead to LESS getting done and more problems if you don’t approach it with a plan in mind.

Still Get Ready For Your Day

Even if you are working 100% remotely or staying home with children, still get up and get up and get ready like it is any other day. “Go to work” in every sense other than actually leaving the house. Work out, shower, shave, eat a proper breakfast, and so forth. This will start your day off right.

Keep Your Schedule

Resist the urge to use your situation as an excuse to avoid the things in your schedule that can be done remotely or safely. Fulfilling your obligations will not only keep you employed and keep your relationships strong, it has the chance of having a making a good case for remote work with your employer in the future.

Additionally, keeping your schedule is an excellent way to not lose track of time or get lost in an empty space with nothing to do.

Practice Distancing Physically, not Socially

The term “social distancing” is a misnomer, and not descriptive of what you need to be practicing during these times of restricted activity. You absolutely should be limiting your physical contact with others, especially strangers. You should not, however, be limiting your digital communication with friends, relatives, or even strangers.

Now is the best time to engage with people over the phone and over the internet. Play games with people online, chat over messengers, whatever it takes to stay connected. If you have never done these things before, now is an excellent time to learn. Don’t let yourself get isolated.

Be Safe Everyone

I wish everyone a safe and peaceful few weeks as we weather this situation. If any of you have an interest in starting any additional communities or platforms, let me know. If I get enough requests, I will start a Discord server.