Appearance Matters

How you look matters. It matters to you (even if you think it doesn't), and it matters to the outside world. Don't listen to the people trying to tell you otherwise. I've spoken several times about how mental strength is just as if not more important than physical strength. How you present and view yourself are major factors in your mental strength. Appearance matters, it makes a difference, and therefore it's important. It's time to stop being lazy about your appearance.

Why it Matters

Whether we want to admit it or not, appearance has a major impact on not only our mental state, but how those around us view and treat us. When we take care of how we look, we feel better and come across as more confident. We respect ourselves, and people are therefore more likely to respect us. We have an easier time making positive social connections, advancing professionally, and overall functioning and succeeding in society.

I'm not advocating blindly following an appearance standard that you hate. I'm simply telling you that HAVING a standard matters. Whether you are clean shaven and wearing a suit and tie every day or leave the house with your hair six different colors and twice as many visible piercings with your hair and or beard down to your hips, hold yourself to an appearance standard that communicates respect for yourself and awareness of the areas of society you operate in.

Accept the fact that your appearance standard directly impacts two things: how you view, present, and feel about yourself, and how others view, perceive, and feel about you. No, it isn't fair. It's not even morally correct. The world SHOULD operate purely on your merits as a person. It doesn't. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can incorporate into your overall strength as a person and give yourself another advantage.

Basic Hygiene and Grooming

I shouldn't have to talk about this, but I've met enough people that remind me by their, shall we say, choices...That I can't skip it. You need a shower, ideally an ice cold one, every morning. Aside from the obvious physical health benefits, it mentally prepares you for the day and gives you a sense of basic pride in yourself. Bathing yourself might not sound like a major win, but it makes a difference.

Next, you need to actually groom yourself. Don't just dash out the door with damp hair. Take the time to comb your hair (and stop putting off that hair cut), shave if you need to (and be honest about needing to), clip your finger and toe nails (or stop biting them so you can), and put on deodorant. Taking care of your body will not only make YOU feel good, it will convey a sense of self respect to others.

The Fashion Ambulance

Credited to a dearly loved person in my life, this refers to those of you who are beyond the jurisdiction of the fashion police, and need to be placed in triage. You know who you are. This one's for you.

If you don't have at least one set of clothes that fits properly and is not visibly old and/or damaged, then you, my friend, are in need of the fashion ambulance. No one is saying that you need to go spend thousands or even hundreds of dollars on a major label. But you do need at least one set of dress casual clothing for whatever social settings you frequent, and another set of professional attire for whatever career field you work in or plan to interview for.

Go through your wardrobe and either sell or donate everything you haven't worn in the last year. If it's damaged, throw it out. If it has serious sentimental value, put it away somewhere. The point is to make room for the things you can and should be wearing. If you don't know how to dress, do the research to find out. Ask you friends, ask your family, or ask the almighty internet. The important thing is to do it.

How Much Does it Matter to You?

Your appearance and how you present yourself has a direct impact on every area of your life. If your life, success, and positive self image matter enough to you, you will put in the work to give yourself that edge.

As always, I love to hear stories from all of you about your own experiences. Tell us about a major make over or appearance revelation you had. Tell us about what it took for you to take it seriously, and tell us about the results.