Forward or Back
In life, there are only two states a person can be in: Going forward or going backward.
Contrary to popular belief, there is no stasis. If you're standing still, you're falling backward. This doesn't mean that you should never be still, rest, relax, or simply enjoy yourself. One must rest, after all. But you know the difference between duly earned rest and laziness.
Any time spent not making progress means that you are moving backward, even if only slightly. Every choice we make results in only one of two outcomes: we improve, or we do not. Rest, leisure, and enjoyment are necessary parts of life. It is still necessary, even required, to evaluate their opportunity cost.
One of the best questions you can ask yourself whenever you need to make a decision is whether or not your choice of action advances you towards at least one of your goals or makes you a better, stronger, more capable person. If the answer to at least one of those things isn't yes, consider your course of action carefully.
You want to be moving forward whenever possible. This doesn't mean never resting. That will only lead to you breaking down and burning out, which will cost you more forward momentum in the long run than just stopping to rest when you actually need it. We've discussed this before, so if you know you struggle with rest/work balance, read about it more here.
If you are planning your rest properly to avoid burn out, then the only thing you need to worry about is not falling victim to laziness or poor planning. To always be sure that the choices you are making are contributing to, or at the very least not detracting from, your goals, dreams, and personal growth.
Even if you ARE resting or doing something for leisure, make your best effort to find some kind of positive take away from it, something that contributes to what you are working on elsewhere. At the very least, always consider the consequences to your health, reputation, and relationships as a result of whatever you are engaging in.
Take as many steps forward as possible, in ever area, each and every day. Steps backward are inevitable, but if you plan for and counteract them, they will never slow down your overall growth.
What Are Your Steps?
As always, I want to hear from all of you. What keeps you moving forward? What threatens to push you backward, and how do you meet and overcome those challenges? Share your stories and inspire us.