Having a Happy Holiday - On Not Making Excuses


The end of year holidays are, for most people, a time of celebration and relaxation. This can also lead to them being a time of excuses and incorrectly allowed exceptions. So let’s talk about how to actually have a happy holiday…By not letting this happen to you.

The Excuses

Christmas and New Years, or whatever you may celebrate, are frequently a time during which people are inclined to or even pressured to relax and do and eat whatever you want. However, if you take a hard and logical look at things, you will see that this is not the right thing to be doing. While I am not telling you to concern yourself over this to the point of stress, I am telling you that it doesn’t have to be stressful. Just do what you would normally do on that day.

Yes, you have family to plan around. Yes, there tends to be a big meal, potentially travel, potentially many people involved. But none of these things are any excuse to neglect your training or nutrition. If you can spare one hour on any other day for your workout, you can spare it on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, or any other day for that matter.

Your nutrition is no different. If your family or whoever you spend your holidays with truly respect and care about you, they will not pressure you to violate your commitment to yourself. If they utterly refuse to cook any healthy food, then simply create and bring something of your own, and make enough for everyone else. If this is not an option or not what you prefer, then simply eat prior to going. Some people may try to guilt you by telling you how “awkward” it is, or to “not be weird,” but the counter to this is very simple. Are they not being the weird one by pressuring you so hard to violate something that is so important to you? The holidays are a time of family and togetherness, so everyone should be able to peacefully gather and spend time together in a way that is comfortable for everyone else. Anyone who cannot(WILL not) do that is the one causing the problem, not you.

Why it Matters

The “it’s just one day,” or “just one week,” or “it’s the holidays” excuse is rampant. And while there will be some that say that I am being extreme by taking such a hard stance on this, I can only say one thing: Yes, I AM extreme about my personal health, growth, fitness, strength, and development. I am incredibly extreme about being my best self. I take a hard, extreme stance against anyone or anything that seeks to convince me to be otherwise.

When I say this is a priority for me, I mean just that. A priority. That, by its very nature, means that it is of extreme importance to me. So I go to extreme lengths to protect it, and I do not bend or compromise on it except in extreme, emergency situations. No matter what anyone might tell you, Christmas dinner is not an emergency. It is important, and it should be valued. You can, however, value it without sacrificing your training, your nutrition, and becoming your best self.

There are very, very few cases in which you “can’t” achieve this balance. The vast majority of the time, if you are not, then it is a “won’t” situation. Only you know where that balance is, and you need to be honest with yourself about it. Your choices will ultimately declare your priorities.

For me, this is my highest non-emergency priority. Anyone I associate with knows this, because I have made it abundantly clear that in order to associate with me with any consistency, they will have to accept it. The more exceptions you make, the more you hinder your progress. You must decide what is most important to you. For me, I choose to prioritize this year around. No excuses. No exceptions. I encourage each and every one one of you to do the same.

Happy Holidays

As always, I want to hear from all of you. How are you staying strong and healthy through the holidays? Let us know in the comments.