If You're Scared To Get Started


Getting started can be (and often is) the hardest part when it comes to repairing your health, to say nothing of your whole life. Today, we’re going to talk about one the biggest barriers: fear.

What Are You Afraid Of?

There are a nearly endless amount of reasons you can come up with to put off or even resist it entirely starting to take care of yourself. Most of them, however, boil down to fear.

If you are someone who has let your health deteriorate to a dangerous degree, you have quite possibly reached a point of resignation and acceptance that “this is how your life is.” Breaking out of that can be not only difficult, but terrifying. People can adapt to nearly anything, no matter how negative or harmful. Changing those habits and decisions is a frightening thing to consider. The important thing to realize is that is all it is: fear. Fear of failure, fear of change, fear of challenge. It is all just fear.

Now, this isn’t to say that I’m downplaying fear. It is a huge obstacle. However, what is the alternative once you reach the point of medical intervention and emergency? If you are at the point that a family member, friend, and/or medical professional has intervened in your life, it is well past time to stop letting fear hold you back. What are you more afraid of, trying and failing, or literally going to an early grave?

Your Ally Against Fear

For anyone out there who’s health has deteriorated to the point of permanently damaging you or threatening your life, I have a request for you. Please, reach out to me. Not only for the sake of your own health, but for those around you as well. The people who care about you don’t want to see you suffer.

Going forward, Strength Per Second will have a new policy:

Anyone who sends in medical proof of a weight or fitness level related condition that is threatening them with permanent harm or death will receive their first 90 days absolutely free.

I am not in this field for the money. I am here because I truly believe in a calling to get behind people and push them to become their best selves. So if this describes you, I’ve just removed one more barrier. You literally have nothing to lose. This is no joking matter. This is your health, your life. I’m asking you, please let me help.

Don’t Be Afraid

Today’s post is a special message that goes out to everyone who is afraid, has given up on themselves, or is otherwise avoiding getting on track. It’s never too late. If this is you or someone who know, please share this message. You never know when you might save someone’s life.