I'm Back! With Accountability!


Good evening, everyone. I wanted to get up here as soon as possible and engage in one my favorite exercises: Some personal accountability.

Last week I posted that changes were coming, and they did indeed come. After long consideration, I decided to move Strength Per Second from Wordpress to Squarespace. It took some time to move the the content over, arrange for the domain connection, and so forth.

None of that, however, changes that the fact that I told you all that I would have something up for you last week, and I did not. For the first time since I started Strength Per Second, there was no post for a week. And that is entirely on me. I could have planned it better. I could have waited. I could have researched the changeover more. I could have told you ahead of time that there would be a week’s hiatus.

So let the first thing I do here, on the new Strength Per a Second, be to personally apologize to all of you. To make an oath to all of you that I will do better, so that all of us can be better together.

Now, on to some brighter and more positive things. We still have Samantha getting ready for her debut in the Strength Stories to tell all of you about her journey and what brought her here, so look forward to that. We’ll also be posting her pictures on Instagram weekly start this week, so look forward to that.

Where we go from here is as much up to all of you as it is to me. If more of you want to engage in weight lifting sessions like Samantha, we may even look into planning group events or even rent out a gym. There are no limits to what we can achieve if we all combine our strength.