Is the Fog Funny?

There was a point during the filming of the film Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail that one of the lead actors asked this question. They were trying to shoot one of the many scenes, but someone was insisting that the fog effects weren't right. Exasperated, the actor asked whether or not the fog was funny. This got me thinking about about all the times I have been hung up on something I was so convinced was important, but that contributed nothing to my goals. So today I'm flipping that question on you. Where is the fog in your life?

How Important is This?

A lot of things bombard us and demand our attention on any given day. Some of them are even actually important. Part of your job as a responsible person who determined to become stronger in every way is to filter out what isn't important. 

On that movie set, the actor wasn't talking about his wife or children, his private hobbies, or anything else. He was on set, making a movie. He'd filtered out all of the irrelevant things clawing at his attention and focused on his objective: the film. This is what allowed him to even be focused enough to make the comment about the fog to begin with.

So before you even ask yourself if the fog is funny, ask yourself if you're even dealing with something that at all relates to your current objective. If you're not, and it can wait (most things can), put it aside.

The Magnitude of Humor Found in Condensed Moisture

Now that you've ensured that what you're currently focusing on is at least connected to your goal, it's time to ask yourself whether or not it's actually effectively contributing to it. Just because something is connected does not make it effective or important.

Ask yourself if your current task or what you are focusing your energy on thinking about directly contributes to your immediate goals, or any of your goals for that matter. If it doesn't contribute to the goal you are actively working toward accomplishing today, consider moving it lower on your priority list. If it doesn't contribute to any of your goals at all, ask yourself why you are devoting time and energy to it to begin with.

Any time something is preventing or even slowing down the advancement of your goals, ask yourself this question and go through this mental exercise. Clear away the clutter and get focused on the target.

What is Your Fog?

As always, I want to hear from all of you. Tell us about a time that you realized something trivial or unrelated was holding you back from success, and how you handled it.