Life Clean Up Step 5: Take Charge


Now that you’ve cleaned up your physical and mental health as well as your habits, it’s time for the last step: Taking charge of your new life and deciding where you go from here.

Who’s In Charge Here?

The only correct answer is you. What you know by now from cleaning up your health, mental and physical, is that you and you alone have the power to change your life. Others can encourage you, give you advice, even tell you what to do, but it all has to come from you. You are in charge.

So the final step in cleaning up your life is to take charge of it. Now that your mind and body are clear and you have plenty of energy, it’s time to look at your life and decide if where you are is where you want to be. We’re going to go over a few examples of changes you could make here, but ultimately it all comes down to where you want your life to go.

Where To Take Charge

These are, as previously mentioned, only suggestions. The entire point of this step is for YOU to take charge of your life and decide where you go now.

Your Job

Do you hate your job or whatever source of income you have? Think about why, and get to work on changing it. I recognize that we are, at least in America, in a rather bad place economically. That being said, that won’t change any time soon, and you working a job you hate just to pay the bills is only going to put you in an early grave from stress and misery. Your mental and physical health are in a much better place now. You have options. Don’t languish in a job or even career that makes you miserable. Make a change, or at least get started on the steps toward it.

If what you hate is the fact that you DON’T have your own income, get to work on changing THAT. As a friend of mine is fond of saying, “They who feed you, own you.” If you are in a situation where you are discouraged from providing for yourself, consider altering or leaving that situation. Seriously question anyone who encourages you to not be self sufficient.

Your Living Situation

Are you happy with where you lay down at night? Don’t just automatically answer yes because you’re married or living with close friends. Really think about it. Your home should be your sanctuary, the place that you feel most safe and most comfortable. If you’re consistently unhappy when you go home, it very well might be time for a change. I’m not saying to up and leave your spouse, break a lease, move to the other side of the world on a whim with no plan. However, I’m also not saying you can’t do that…minus the no plan part, of course.

The point here is that you need to evaluate your home life and really think about whether or not your free time is spent in a way that is fulfilling to you. This can be a very difficult self examination, so don’t take this lightly or do it quickly. However, don’t shy away from what you find when you ask yourself these questions either.

Have You Taken Charge?

As always, I want to hear from all of you. Tell us about how you’ve taken charge of your life. Tell us about changes you’ve made, large or small. You never know who you’ll inspire.