Life Clean Up Step 6: Reflection


You’ve gone through a lot to get your life to where it is. After last week, you hopefully have a better idea of where you want your life to go, and are well on your way to making it happen. To close out this series, let’s discuss one final step: reflecting on your path here, and the choices along the way.

How Did You Get Here?

You made many difficult choices in order to get here. You probably had to change the way you eat and sleep. You may have had to fight addictions, whether to drugs or more insidious things like sugar. Take the time to think back on where you were before those decisions, and how each one changed your life for the better.

You may also have lost or gained people in your life along the way. Think about why these things happened. Were these people good or bad influences on you? Did you end the relationship or did they? Why? Are you better off with or without them? Why or why not? The people you surround yourself are an incredibly important part of your life and health. Take the time to think about who you had around you when you started, and who is here now. There is a lot to be learned.

Lastly, think about the mistakes you made along the road here. Write them down and remember them for the next time you need to clean house, so you can do it more efficiently and with less hurtles.

Here vs. There

Equally important to reflect on is where you were before you even started this clean up of your life. Think about what your life was like then, and compare it to how your life is now. Look at all the benefits of what you’ve done. What your hard work and sacrifice have earned you. Be proud of yourself, and be glad to say goodbye to that past self and life.

Keep this comparison in mind during moments of weakness, when you are tempted to slip back into bad habits or company. Ask yourself, is it worth going back to that old life? Very likely not. You’ve put in too much work and come too far to let there mere temptation of a temporary gratification ruin it. You’re better than that now.

What Did You See?

This brings my series on cleaning up your life to a close. Thank you for being here, and thank you for investing in yourself. I’m proud of you for each and every challenge you overcame to clean up your life and become your best self. Please share your stories below. You never know who you might inspire.