The Reward For Success Is More Hard Work

Success has many rewards, but they only last if you continue to look for the next challenge. Resting on your laurels will not only make you stagnate, it will cause you to miss out on one of the greatest rewards: more hard work. Let's talk about success and where to go afterward.


Success feels great. You achieve the goal, lift the weight, get the promotion, or whatever goal you set for yourself. You feel on top of the world. All your hard work paid off. People respect you more. You respect yourself more.

All well and good. You worked hard to get here, and you should enjoy it. Success is, however, like so many things, fleeting. Everyone has to get up the next day and go back to work, back to their families, back to their lives. Including you.

So where do you go from here? You worked so hard to reach this point. You get to rest now, right? Only if you want this one success to be the limit of what you achieve. There is always more to do. Which leads us to...

More Hard Work

What follows your success is the next goal, the next success. Which means, yes, more effort, strain, hardship, and challenge.

Rather than resting longer than you need to collect yourself, you can already be planning your next moves by the time you actually achieve your current success. In the best case scenario, you will already have your rest and next steps planned out by the time you get there.

You got a promotion? Great. What's the next promotion you want? You broke a personal record in your workouts? Awesome. What's the next record you can break?

Always treat your accomplishments as a launching for additional success, and you will never lack for goals to achieve. There is no shortage of work to be done if you choose not never allow yourself to be satisfied.

What Is Your Next Success?

As always, I want to hear from all of you. What is the next success you have planned after your current goal? What hard work are you looking forward to?