Do One Thing

Some days seem insurmountable. Whether because of the incredible amount of work you already know is ahead of you, a crushing defeat, a bad day yesterday, or any other number of things. Today, we're going to talk about the one step (not) easy plan to confronting those days: You're going to do one thing.

Why Bother?

The psychological impact of accomplishing even one simple thing correctly should never be underestimated. No matter what is going on in your life, there is always at least one thing you can do. It might not directly concern or even relate to the other, larger things going on. It doesn't need to.

The point is to stop dwelling, stop laying down, and do SOMETHING. If you look hard enough, there will be always be something you can do, and doing it will have an impact. The effect of accomplishing even small tasks or solving little problems has been proven many times over.

It may not feel like it when you are looking at that one small thing. It may feel pointless while contemplating it ahead of time. Push through that and get to work, especially if the things weighing you down are matters you can't immediately impact. This one thing, whatever it is, will be something you can do right now. Something you CAN impact.

Whether or not you feel like it at the time, this WILL help you climb out of the dark place you've found yourself in. So with that in mind, what CAN you do?

Do One Thing for Yourself

Depending on your personality, this may be the easiest or most difficult method for you. Some of us are more motivated by self-care than others. Even if you are the type of person that genuinely cares more for others than yourself, remember that you are no good to anyone if you burn out and/or fall apart.

As previously stated, this doesn't have to be a major undertaking. Just one thing that you can start and finish quickly with a high chance of success. This can be anything from cleaning your room to a quick work out. The task itself is largely irrelevant. The point is to get the win and get out of the rut.

Do One Thing for Someone Else

The psychological benefits of helping others have been studied extensively and proven repeatedly. Even if you are a shamelessly self-interested or even selfish person, strongly consider this approach if you are truly in a bad place.

As with doing something for yourself, the size, scope, and type of the act mostly doesn't matter. Just do something that improves someone else's life, even by a small margin. It becomes quite difficult to stay wallowing in negativity about your own life when you are genuinely focusing on improving someone else's. You will be surprised at just how impactful it can be.

What is Your One Thing

As always, I want to hear from all of you. What is your one thing? Did you do it for yourself, or someone else? How did you feel afterward? Share your stories with us below.