The Good Type of Nagging: When People Care

We're all busy. We all have things to do. Sometimes it can feel like anyone trying to add anything to our list of to-dos is nagging us without understanding just how busy we are. Today we're going to talk about why you should appreciate these people.

When People Care

People pester you for things all the time. Your boss wants more work done. Your friend, partner, parent, sibling, or whoever wants help with this or that. Filter that out, that's not what we're here to talk about.

This about when people care enough to point something out and not let it drop because they care about you. This can be something trivial that you keep putting off, or it can be something serious that you are avoiding due to fear, anger, or any other misguided emotional response.

The point here is that this other person has chosen to focus on the matter and not leave you alone about it, usually because you're not addressing it. There is an unfortunate tendency to accuse these people of "nagging" us, of bothering us, of not understanding us. This is ungrateful thinking, pure and simple.

Really stop and think it through. This person is taking time out of their lives to bring this subject up to you. Not once, but repeatedly. Which means two things: First, that they care about you enough to say anything at all. Secondly, that they care enough to continue to notice and continue to bring it up.

Do not take this caring for granted. Think about busy you feel, then realize that everyone else is usually just as loaded as you. Now add to that the fact that this person is repeatedly making the time to address this matter with you, and appreciate that they are doing so.

The best way that you can do this other than thanking them directly is to simply stop being lazy and just DO whatever it is they are reminding you to do. Alternatively, if you genuinely can't or even just won't do it, have the respect to actually have a conversation with them. Don't just blow them off as a nag.

Why This is Great

If you need more reasons to not be upset with this person who cares enough to be "bothering" you, let's consider a few things.

There are plenty of people out there who get paid to keep track of other people's affairs, to remind them about things, to remember to follow up with them on things. This person or people are doing this for you for free, simply because they care.

So even if you do find yourself getting annoyed despite the already stated reasons, consider the fact that you are getting a paid service for free simply because someone in your life actually cares about you.

Stop and think about how many things you might not do or might have forgotten if someone hadn't cared enough to remind you multiple times.

Have You Thanked Anyone?

As always, I want to hear from all of you. Tell us about someone you've decided to see in a new light, to appreciate instead of be annoyed by.