Please Stay Home


Today’s discussion is simple: We need to talk about staying home.

Just Stay Home

I’ve seen a lot of people not taking the COVID-19/Corona Virus situation seriously. So please, allow me to make this clear: You need to stay home. Now is not the time to visit your friend, or to go take the kids to see their aunt. Now is not the time for bike rides, park visits, or any other outdoor activities.

I recognize that this is difficult. Most people don’t enjoy being inside this much. Most people don’t like being cut off from direct physical contact with others. But this isn’t about what you like. None us are the exception here. It’s not safe to “just go this once” to see someone. There are no exceptions. No one here is special or exempt.

Save Lives

It doesn’t matter if you “don’t feel sick.” People can be carriers and have no symptoms for up to two weeks. You feeling fine does not mean it is safe for you to go out. Even if you aren’t infected, every contact you have with another person is another risked infection to you, and then to everyone else you come in contact with. That is how things have gotten so bad so quickly.

Every single time you leave your home for anything, you are putting lives at risk. I fully recognize that there are times we must go out. We need food and other essentials. But if you stop and think about the potential outcome of each trip out, I am sure you can devise a plan to limit them.

Ask yourself how many times you would leave your home if you were playing Russian roulette with a live round, with the gun aimed at every person you know. That is the level of severity we are dealing with here. We are long past the point of not taking this problem seriously anymore.

Please. Stay home, and save lives.

Stay Safe

As always, I want to hear from all of you. What are you doing to stay sane at home, stay stocked up, and keep yourselves healthy?