Checking In - How Is Everyone Doing?


A World Ablaze

It’s been a while, strong readers. The world has turned upside down, particularly if you live in the United States. Not only do we have some of the highest confirmed case counts of COVID-19 in the world, we are torn asunder daily by a violent conflict between the citizens and our police.

Regardless of who you are or where you are, life has very likely become more complicated and more difficult. Just know that this community is here for you, as am I. Some people have been asking me for a more direct and live community area, such as a forum or Discord server. Please comment below or contact me personally if you would find this helpful, so I know how many people would get involved if I did at this.

No matter what, stay strong. Remember: strength is a choice.

Come Together, Right Now

Now, more than ever, we need to be strong. Not just as individuals, but as a group of people, a community, united in our commitment to constantly striving to become our best selves. So whether you are a first time reader that stumbled across our community at random or a long time follower, sound off. Let us hear from you, how you are doing, and what you have been doing to stay sane, strong, and healthy in these trying times. Share your tricks, hacks, and methods for surviving these harsh months. You never know who you might help or inspire.
